DICE (Drama Improves Lisbon Key Competences in Education)是一項由歐盟支持的跨國專案,涵蓋歐洲12個國家,樣本數超過5000名兒童及青少年。這個為期兩年的專案是一項跨文化的研究,它致力於探索「教育戲劇」(不同於演員訓練)對歐盟人才未來核心競爭力有什麼影響。相較於不曾參與教育戲劇活動的學生,持續參與教育戲劇相關課程及活動的學生,在以下22個面向有顯著的正面影響:
- are assessed more highly by their teachers in all aspects, 老師在各方面都給予更高的評價
- feel more confident in reading and understanding tasks, 於閱讀及理解項目中更有自信
- feel more confident in communication, 在溝通中感覺更有自信
- are more likely to feel that they are creative, 更有可能認為自己有創造力
- like going to school more, 更喜歡上學
- enjoy school activities more, 更加喜歡學校的活動
- are better at problem solving, 具備更好的問題解決能力
- are better at coping with stress, 能更好的處理壓力
- are significantly more tolerant towards both minorities and foreigners, 對少數族群或外國人更加寬容
- are more active citizens, 成為更加活躍的公民
- show more interest in voting at any level, 對各種選舉活動更感興趣
- show more interest in participating in public issues, 對參與公共議題更感興趣
- are more empathic: they have concern for others, 更加具有同理心:關心他人
- are more able to change their perspective, 更加能夠改變自己的觀點
- are more innovative and entrepreneurial, 更具有創新及創業家精神
- show more dedication towards their future and have more plans, 更願為自己的未來奮鬥,且有更多的計畫
- are much more willing to participate in any genre of arts and culture, and not just performing arts, but also writing, making music, films, handicrafts, and attending all sorts of arts and cultural activities, 更加願意參加各種型態的藝術及文化活動,不僅侷限於表演藝術,還包含寫作、音樂創作、影片、工藝。
- spend more time in school, more time reading, doing housework, playing, talking, and spend more time with family members and taking care of younger brothers and sisters. In contrast, they spend less time watching TV or playing computer games, 願意花更多的時間在學校,更多時間閱讀,做作業、玩、談話,並且花更多的時間跟家人在一起,並且照顧弟妹。相反地,他們花較少的時間看電視或打電腦遊戲。
- do more for their families, are more likely to have a part-time job and spend more time being creative either alone or in a group. They more frequently go to the theatre, exhibitions and museums, and the cinema, and go hiking and biking more often, 願意為家人付出更多,願意做兼職工作並進行創新。他們會更常去劇院、展覽、博物館、電影院、健行及騎腳踏車。
- are more likely to be a central character in the class, 更有可能成為班上的核心人物
- have a better sense of humour, 更有幽默感
- feel better at home. 在家裡的感覺更好
★ 影片:課程單元介紹